High Intensity Laser Therapy
Laser therapy involves directing Laser light into inflamed or damaged tissues to accelerate the body’s natural healing process.
The laser is placed in direct contact with the skin which enables light photos to penetrate the tissue and interact with molecules within the cells to cause several biochemical effects.
What to expect:
After a full clinical assessment of your condition, we will tailor make a treatment protocol just for you.
The number of sessions you will require will depend on the condition- This will be discussed in your initial appointment.
Treatments are quick and painless and often you will feel the results during the treatment. For chronic conditions it may take a few sessions for you to feel the effects, but the cellular benefits will be immediate!
Laser has the following effects :
* inhibits the sensory nerve impulses associated with pain
* Decreases inflammatory cells
* Relaxes muscle spasm immediately
* Increases vascular supply and restores normal blood flow
* Provides energy for the cells within the tissue allowing them to repair”
Approved by all major health providers including Vhi, Laya, Hibernian Aviva and Hospital Saturday Fund